Explosive allegations have been made in Flint, Michigan exacerbating the already tense situation in the blighted town.
As local, state, and federal authorities scramble to help the city tackle the issue of it’s contaminated water supply, former officials have come forward with shocking claims. According to them, mayor Karen Weaver has used the crisis to advance her political career.
Filing a lawsuit this past Monday, Natasha Henderson, who worked as a city administrator before she was unceremoniously dismissed from her post, accuses Weaver of directing a city employee and volunteer to redirect donations intended to restore the city’s water to a pro-Weaver political group called “Karenabout Flint.”
Although no records could be found of such a group, Henderson maintains that city employee Maxine Murray was sobbing and feared imprisonment when she first approached her about the matter. If the accusations are true, then Mayor Weaver has a lot to answer for.
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it’s the Chicago/Liberal way!!!
And they voted for her because?
Typical democrat!
AMERICA WANTS TRUMP…..Make America Great Again!
Just another Obama lover showing their intelligence. Just because there is a black in the WhiteHouse does not give them free wheeling in the corrupt field but if you will not that these home invasions, street beatings, killings, robberies, and fraud have exploded in the black area since Obama got in the WH. I guess they think he will protect them but not so. GD
Crooked liberal politician is becoming normal in this country
Crooks !!
aint that it works now days they run for office to help the people they run to help themselves,
Anyone supprised