Most Americans have been thoroughly appalled at the lead poisoning water crisis that’s afflicted Flint, Michigan, over the past few years. By switching its water source from the Detroit water system to the Flint River in 2014, municipal officials knowingly decided to expose residents to unsafe levels of lead in their drinking water.
Intervention by the State of Michigan and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has led to improvements in the water system. But, for far too long, residents had to pay for water they knew was unsafe and dangerous to use.
Now the City of Flint has decided to add insult to injury and engage in outright thievery. Learn the latest on the next page.
Sounds like some sort of extortion to me .
This is totally unacceptable! Just a wild guess, but is Flint a democrat run city?
What happen to the money that Trump sent to fix the problem did some corrupt politician pocket it.
Move out people leave that hell hole that’s all it is that’s all it will ever be
Charles Jones the water was contaminated by lead leaching out the ancient lead pipe. The pipe originally had a protective coating in the in side of it. If the coating is undamaged, it is safe for quite awhile. A lot of cities have banned the use of lead. Apparently chemicals used by the city of Lansing caused this coating. The bad thing is they supposedly knew about this for some years and failed to do anything about it.
that is premeditated
I wouldn’t pay for that$#%&!@*either
The city tried to kill them now they want their property WTF
can U imagine taking a Shower in that$#%&!@*…