We hear the news of ISIS and other Muslim terrorist groups, and conclude that the entire Middle East is a hotbed of violent opposition to Christians with the possible exception of Israel. While there are obviously places where this is painfully true, it is not the case everywhere. Although Christians might not be as free to practice their faith as they are in the U.S., the faith has at least been tolerated in nations such as Syria and even Iraq under Saddam.
Countries such has Syria have had a Christian presence since the beginning of the faith, and it continues today. This is not to say that Christians are safe and immune from persecution there, but churches exist and faith communities exist around them. One faith leader spoke out last February to give a different perspective on what is happening in Syria than what one might believe.
More on page two.
Bingo.been saying this since ut happened.
There is no way for us to know the truth…that’s why we elected President Trump. Trust him.
Lying priest, not the first in history
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Assad has been killing people for years.
Ive said all along the rebel fighters done it not Assad the Dem Party is pushing nothing but lies to start another damn war
something had to be done, a believe what Rex Tillerson said.
What about the children who have been raped and the others who have had their heads cut off? Seems really real to me
This priest is full of$#%&!@* So many eyewitness accounts contradict his statements.
This is the best summary of the Syrian missile attack I’ve come across: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkj9UCHO0Tc&list=WL&index=109