The leftist media would have you believe that Donald Trump is too reactionary, too racist, and too xenophobic to be president. Unfortunately for liberals, history is at odds with their claims.
President Theodore Roosevelt, also a Republican, signed a bill that banned practicing Muslims from entering the United States after he won the election in 1904. He won that election with 336 electoral votes, 190 more than his challenger, Alton B. Parker.
Sure, times have changed in the past hundred years, but polling data suggests that Trump’s ban, even in its most controversial form, is supported by the majority of the United States. It’s another fact that the mainstream media conveniently forgets when attacking the President’s actions.
See details on Roosevelt’s implicit ban on the next page:
but Washington elite just wants to kiss$#%&!@*and we seen that
People had sense back then !!!
Good common sense !!!
As God is our father and mother Marry is our mother and Jesus is our brother.Who sacrificed their family for us to live.And not to bow down to evil or to be blinded by evil.Even God knew that we would have to fight at sometime in our lives.And if we don’t their sacrifice would have been in vain.Is this how we repay our family.What are my brothers and sisters are willing to sacrifice.As for me I’m willing to sacrifice all i know and love including myself for the sake of our country’s future and our children’s future.Fear is the mind-killer and we already live in fear my brothers and sisters must over come that demon and rise above it .If we don’t not only will the good people of our country suffer but the good people all over the world will suffer to.And there is more good people in our world then there is bad and it is time to send the bad people a message that we will stand together against them and we will win.I still have faith in our country.And we as a nation should keep our faith in each other.We all have been mislead or deceive somewhere down the line. It’s just a matter on weather or not we see it
We must return to this and further, expel those Muslims who are here, especially if they advocate Sharia Law.
AMERICANS! You need to wake the hell up! Islam is nothing more than a hell spawned, Satan worshiping, violent death cult, dedicated to$#%&!@* and the only ‘peace’ Islam offers is the peace of death, or slavery. Islam has no place in a modern pluralistic and democratic society. Islam is locked in a medieval culture that is antithetical to western mores. Islam will use our ‘tolerance’ to destroy all semblance of our liberty. Islam is intolerant of all other faiths. Islam is here to invade and to subdue, not to assimilate, and Islam may as well be an invasion of western civilization by Klingons. Remember that for these people to kill you as an act of religious piety gains them ‘heaven’, if you kill them before they can kill you, they still get ‘heaven’ as a participation prize, it’s a win-win for them. Although, apparently, the presence of pork products confuses whatever creature it is that they worship. HIJRAH is essentially conquest by emigration. HIJRAH is Jihad with the gloves on, on that is until they have become numerous enough. The end is the same, death or slavery. As for me and my house, we will serve the Republic. Patriots, you need to look to your powder, because you are involved in a death struggle.
Go it? They did.
Why can’t we enforce laws that have been around for years ?
And he was a democrat!!!!! Imagine that!!!!