The leftist media would have you believe that Donald Trump is too reactionary, too racist, and too xenophobic to be president. Unfortunately for liberals, history is at odds with their claims.
President Theodore Roosevelt, also a Republican, signed a bill that banned practicing Muslims from entering the United States after he won the election in 1904. He won that election with 336 electoral votes, 190 more than his challenger, Alton B. Parker.
Sure, times have changed in the past hundred years, but polling data suggests that Trump’s ban, even in its most controversial form, is supported by the majority of the United States. It’s another fact that the mainstream media conveniently forgets when attacking the President’s actions.
See details on Roosevelt’s implicit ban on the next page:
300 refugees being investigated by fbi at this moment…terrorist ties…..sure let more in
They need to enforce the 1952 law bannig Islam from our nation! Screw all of you left wing nuts! That’s why our country is a mess !
If keeping this scum out of our country is racist then call me a proud racist.
Who lifted it ???
History repeating itself again.
Yep people on the left are traders who need to be rounded up and sent over to the middle east never to come back
We’ve found that they really don’t know much!…lol
They don’t know history don’t want to know history just want to do as they please and no one say a word about it
The left is going to mess around untill they are going to get a war they don’t want.
Wake up America we dont need these hateful people in our country