Joseph Black, a Republican candidate for Florida House District 68 has stated that Obama should be ‘hanged high for treason’.
“I’m past impeachment. It’s time to arrest and hang him high,” tweeted Black.
Another Republican candidate, Chris Latvala, shot back: “You aren’t seriously calling for the killing of Obama are you? I know you are crazy but good heavens. U R an embarrassment.”
Black replied, “Execution is the appropriate punishment for traitors.”
Several Republicans have come forward attacking Mr. Black, and all met the same strong, unrelenting posture…Black will not stand down from his position.
The secret service paid him a visit following Monday’s tweet. Which he states, ‘didn’t bother him’
Florida Gov. Rick Scott has called on him to drop out of the race.
Mr. Black, why not run for the White House in 2016? With such a decisive, unyielding and PATRIOTIC stance, so uncommon now in castrated Washington…you’ve got my vote! Get in there and clean a little house…will ya?
Hey Obama…is this guy racist for wanting to hang you?
A GOP candidate for the Florida House of Representatives is under fire from his own party and said he’s been visited by the Secret Service after he tweeted Monday that President Obama should be hanged for treason.
Joshua Black, 31-year-old Republican candidate for Florida House District 68, quoted a tweeter, saying “I’m past impeachment. It’s time to arrest and hang him high.” Black added, “agreed.”
Chris Latvala, a Republican candidate for House District 67, shot back: “You aren’t seriously calling for the killing of Obama are you? I know you are crazy but good heavens. U R an embarrassment.”
Black then replied, “Execution is the appropriate punishment for traitors. Don’t you have a race? Don’t you have a primary?
Latvala responded, “I make it my business when so called GOP candidates become an embarrassment to my beloved party. You need to go take your medicine #TinFoilHat #Crazy.”
Black later expounded on his comments – even going so far as quoting Jesus – in a Facebook posting, saying:
“To everyone who was offended that I said that the POTUS should be hanged for treason. This is the man who droned al-Awlaki on ‘suspicion of terrorism’ – not proof – and later killed his 15-year-old son for nothing more than being his son. …
“This would be exactly what the president has done to others, and, as Jesus said, ‘the measure ye mete, it shall be meted to you again.’ I make no apologies for saying that the president is not above the People. If ordinary Americans should be executed for treason, so should he.
“So, don’t stop at impeachment. Remove him. Try him before a jury (the very right that he arbitrarily denied to al-Awlaki and his 15-year-old son), and, upon his sure convictions, execute him. Thus has he done, thus it should be done to him.”
Black said he doesn’t worry that the U.S. Secret Service will visit him, and the agents reportedly showed up on his doorstep Tuesday afternoon.
He told WND, “As I have been explaining all day, too many times we stop pursuing justice against #criminalpoliticians after they leave office. Not this time. We need to send a firm and clear message that no government official is above the law. That’s the purpose of my statement.”
GOP State chair Lenny Curry tweeted that Black’s comments were, “Deplorable. Despicable. Hateful.” He added, “He should go home and stay home.”
Local GOP chairman Michael Guju blasted Black’s comments: “It is impossible to accept this statement. This is wholly unacceptable and unduly provocative.”
Black resigned from the Pinellas County Republican Executive Committee at Guju’s request.
According to WTSP-TV 10, Curry, Latvala and Florida Gov. Rick Scott have called for Black to drop out of the Florida House District 68 race.
But Black said he won’t leave the Republican Party or the race: “I do not take orders from the governor. I’m staying in the race.”
I’m way past ready
MAKE THIS MAN GOVERNOR OF FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I like this man
he is right
I agree, he should be hanged for treason.
Good obama has committed treason! Multiple times. Nobody is brave enough to stand up for this nation!
All of these people were tried, convicted and executed for treason. Why is Obama any different other than he has broken more laws than the others? Peter Suman, Casper Fritchie, Henry Schell, Adam Graves, Yost Plecker, John George Graves, Nicholas Andrews, 1781, convicted of High Treason July 25, 1781 in Frederick, MD; Suman, Fritche and Plecker were executed on 17 August
Philip Vigol and John Mitchell, convicted of treason and sentenced to hanging; pardoned by George Washington; see Whiskey Rebellion.
Governor Thomas Dorr 1844, convicted of treason against the state of Rhode Island; see Dorr Rebellion; released in 1845; civil rights restored in 1851; verdict annulled in 1854.
John Brown, convicted of treason against the Commonwealth of Virginia in 1859 and executed for attempting to organize armed resistance to slavery.
Aaron Dwight Stevens, took part in John Brown’s raid and was executed in 1860 for treason against Virginia.
William Bruce Mumford, convicted of treason and hanged in 1862 for tearing down a United States flag during the American Civil War.
Mary Surratt, Lewis Powell, David Herold, and George Atzerodt, all convicted by military tribunal and hanged on July 7, 1865 for treason and conspiracy related to the Lincoln assassination.
Iva Toguri D’Aquino, who is frequently identified with “Tokyo Rose” convicted 1949. Subsequently pardoned by President Gerald Ford.
Herbert Hans Haupt, German-born naturalized U.S. citizen, was convicted of treason in 1942 and executed after being named as a German spy by fellow German spies defecting to the United States.
Martin James Monti, United States Army Air Forces pilot, convicted of treason for defecting to the Waffen SS in 1944. He was paroled in 1960.
Robert Henry Best, convicted of treason on April 16, 1948 and served a life sentence.
Mildred Gillars, also known as “Axis Sally”, convicted of treason on March 8, 1949; served 12 years of a 10- to 30-year prison sentence.
Tomoya Kawakita, sentenced to death for treason in 1952, but eventually released by President John F. Kennedy to be deported to Japan.
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were Americans executed in 1953 after having been found guilty of conspiracy to commit espionage.
Hang Obama for treason as well as a good many others in DC. from both sides of the asile