America needs to follow Iceland’s lead, who’s economy was the first to crash in 2008.
Here’s what they did, instead of bailing out the banks:
– JAIL bankers and corrupt politicians (over 200 indictments)
– Forgive all homeowner debt over 110% of value of home
– Forgive debt for 25% of the population
The problem is they pay for King Obama and Queen Hillary’s campaigns
Iam agree with you
Wow ! I like the way Iceland thinks !
Start with Barney Frank & Chris Dodd.
Can’t imprison men that are protected by those in power….
Yes yes yes
Yes Kachina you can. No one is above the law. Some $#%&!@*s think they are and thatis why they make executive orders and appoint crooked judges but they all could still be prosecuted if things were done properly. We should take lessons from Iceland!