America needs to follow Iceland’s lead, who’s economy was the first to crash in 2008.
Here’s what they did, instead of bailing out the banks:
– JAIL bankers and corrupt politicians (over 200 indictments)
– Forgive all homeowner debt over 110% of value of home
– Forgive debt for 25% of the population
Yes, we should lock up every one in washington and then hang them all for Treason, start with Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Biden, Boehner, McCain, Harry R. and the list goes on, lets not forget the bitch Vallery Jarret.
I think it is “whose” not “who’s” just sayin
that is the ticket.
Lock up all the Democrats that are also members of the communist party, then put them on trail for treason!!!!
Lets put him in charge for a while
BRAVO!! YES!! People, let’s RISE UP=NOW!!
sounds good too me but our goverment has or is not it seems caaj
capaible of takeing any but the wrong lessions from other countrys
instead we reward them with a bailout , then they reward their exec,s with a huge bonus !!!