America needs to follow Iceland’s lead, who’s economy was the first to crash in 2008.
Here’s what they did, instead of bailing out the banks:
– JAIL bankers and corrupt politicians (over 200 indictments)
– Forgive all homeowner debt over 110% of value of home
– Forgive debt for 25% of the population
Forgiving all debt is not going to help, where will that money come from? Guess who that is?
Oh, yes sounds dam good to me….
I agree 1000%
I agree … but unfortunately the very wealthy rule and would not allow this to happen.
I agree
2014 2016
Well Mary, instead of bailing out fhe banks with trillions of dollars, you just bail out the debtors to the banks instead.
Governments just print money from nothing, don’t you know? YOU might have to work for your money, your great granddaddy worked his rear off for his money, but the government just turns on a printing press and prints the money.
Other countries used to emulate our country . Due to the rampant dishonesty in our government , NOBODY wants to copy us any more .
We need another IKE in that office.