America needs to follow Iceland’s lead, who’s economy was the first to crash in 2008.
Here’s what they did, instead of bailing out the banks:
– JAIL bankers and corrupt politicians (over 200 indictments)
– Forgive all homeowner debt over 110% of value of home
– Forgive debt for 25% of the population
forward this to Obama.
Term limits!
DC and Wall street would be empty.
we would have to hire new people from city cops to president
The way I see it all, you can’t vote the corrupt out of office cause everyone in politics is corrupt, they all are playing good cop bad cop, I keep hearing impeach Obama, Biden, jail Hillary,ect.ect.ect. But nothing is moving in those directions, it’s all been going on to long an if you honestly be leave your votes count. We’ll I have a nice beach view home for sale cheap hear in N.W.Ga. The only way change is even truly going to happen an charges brought against the corrupt ness is by force. An starting all over.
They also kicked out the central bank….I’m truing to move there
They cover each others butts in Washington. It an old boys club where you do It and I’ll see you get by with it. Fire all in Washington and send most to jail along with the bank regulators.
Sounds like a good plan to me – especially the first two steps !!!
Really It’s just common Sense.