America needs to follow Iceland’s lead, who’s economy was the first to crash in 2008.
Here’s what they did, instead of bailing out the banks:
– JAIL bankers and corrupt politicians (over 200 indictments)
– Forgive all homeowner debt over 110% of value of home
– Forgive debt for 25% of the population
Well, Honey, you are forgetting that here, the corrupt politicians simply murder the corrupt bankers before they can squeal on their dirty deals.
Good Idea !
Anyone drank Rothschild 100proof Vodka ??!?
Hey America,,, There’s your sign,,,
International Crisis/Disaster Creating Group!
They are a group of Zionist/Masonic Billionaires.
They use all tricks and illegal means to create disasters, division, wars, terrorism, illnesses, and all kinds of evil, to create fortune, and to destroy others.
They use mind control to create puppets, Presidents, politicians, media, activists, spies, jihadists, killers and whores.
They create organizations, and their secret society leaders decide what, where and when to create disasters anywhere.
They created color revolutions, HAARP/Chemtrails, jihad terrorists, assassin militias, climate change, NGO, and United Nations, to apply their evil on all countries.
Egyptians exposed them, and are aborting all their evil plans.
What about all other nations?!
When do we start?
So true , and NOTHING is going to change until we can get that terrorist out of the oval office and all the criminals and traitors out of congress and senate !!!
obama’s plan is not to fix this country his plan is to destroy it. so dont look for anytjhing good to happen untill the lying scum bag traitor is gone
True. Until this country has elected representatives and a president who truly represent the citizens of this country, we will never have a prosperous economy and full employment again. The majority of current elected officials in this country owe the big banks big returns and they just keep repaying the bankers with OUR money.
Get rid of obuma!!