America needs to follow Iceland’s lead, who’s economy was the first to crash in 2008.
Here’s what they did, instead of bailing out the banks:
– JAIL bankers and corrupt politicians (over 200 indictments)
– Forgive all homeowner debt over 110% of value of home
– Forgive debt for 25% of the population
How come we can’t get a president that isn’t so corrupt at seems like he’s he’s for the citizens more than he is agaisnt them like this like this guy is? Our president really should be in prison!
First step – outlaw lobbyists. In 2013 $3.21 billion of lobbyist money found its way into the pockets of our elected representatives to buy votes favorable to their corporate sponsors. Second – end the debate on voter ID requirements, the only acceptable ID for admission to the voting booth should be the voter’s most recent prior year’s tax return; if you don’t contribute to the support of our government then you should have no say in how it is run. Finally, eliminate congressional elections and institute a procedure of random selection of Senators and Representatives in the House. This could be similar to the manner in which juries are empaneled for courtroom trials. Supreme Court Justices and the Cabinet of Department heads should be elected rather than appointed. Down size government by 60% to 70%. Drug testing required for any recipient of welfare. Deport all the incumbents and the ruling aristocracy of all political parties to Venezuela.
Only We the People can Save It…Here is the Plan..
greed not caring for WE THE PEOPLE…
We need to clean out our system and start over again by relying on ourselves and stop buying from other countries who want to charge us so much money, and allowing ANYONE over here into our country.
Tell the libs and rhino’s in Nov.
there might not be anyroom for those $#%&!@*s. We may have to build more cells and the not white collar type.
Unfortunately we have no politicians with any balls to take that kind of action
This is exactly what we need to do!!!!