Barack Obama, through feigned tears and a glint in his eye, struck a major blow against your Second Amendment rights this week, and did so with no input from Congress whatsoever.
Obama’s latest illegal executive order attempts to make it look as if the president is doing something to combat the recent, very public mass shootings around America this year, but does nothing but push forward an agenda that not only ignores the root of the problem, but restricts gun rights in the process.
While the executive order focuses a lot on the “gun show loophole” that Obama claims is a huge contributor to gun violence in the United States, the fact remains that less than three-quarters of one percent of criminals are using guns purchased at gun shows. Still, Obama is pushing the false narrative that criminals are using those loopholes to purchase guns when they otherwise cannot.
Breitbart has compiled a list of facts that further undermines Obamas actions on guns. Read them on next page:
Why doesn’t he just shut up already!
Every true blooded American should rush out & buy a couple of pigs & raise them. Problem solved. If not shoot the$#%&!@*.send a bold statement, we have Jesus Christ we don’t need you inbred people
He is a Communist Dictator ..
Can’t wait for him to be gone
Gun ownership is our right and people in office has no right to infringe on our rights
AND, stupid is as stupid does, just look at Chicago this past week! Gun control will not prevent the criminal from attaining firearms, what is wrong with these people minds? A nation without protection is a nation lost!!!
Fully disarming a nation with around 370 million privately-owned guns and close to 20 million military veterans and twice as many hunters is about as simple as squeezing toothpaste back into the tube. Civilian disarmament is a laughably unobtainable fantasy.
Agree with Al Harterll
All the people you see in this picture will be the first to come running to anyone with a gun WTSHTF. Dont let them get you killed.
He is insane!