“The top 1 percent are funding 30 percent of the government!” “So, rather than the poor, the low income and the middle class being resentful of these people, they should be kissing the ground on which they walk!” states Bryan Fischer, director of Issues Analysis for the fundamentalist American Family Association
He continues: “Who’s paying for the EBT cards? Who’s paying for food stamps? Who’s paying for the women and infant children program? Who’s paying for subsidized housing? Who’s paying for Medicaid? It is the top 1 percent.”
“So, they ought to be given ticker-tape parades once a week in all of our major cities to thank them for funding welfare for everybody.”
Fischer went on to say that it was a “myth” that Americans had a right to so-called “entitlements” or earned government benefits.
“Every bit of this is the involuntary transfer of wealth,” he remarked. “That makes us a socialist country. This is Marxism on display.”
that 1% don’t pay for nothing , they bleed the working class to support them and low income people
kiss the ground? not in this life time
The rich pay 70% of all of the taxes. The middle class is paying a lot of money. They don’t have the benefits of the poor. They are just surviving for their own family needs and that doesn’t go far. The poor ought to get off of their butts and go out and work around their cities and pick up the garbage. There is a lot laying around. I bet most of you poor aren’t even grateful for all of the benefits that obammy pays you. You have your drugs and enjoyments. obammy doesn’t have what it takes to close our borders up. Our country is run by cartels and our country is getting over dose people. obammy is killing people off with the drugs that come in. You are a killer along with your minions.
No we should have some chance for respect and a DECENT and REAL way out or off of the Lame as they call it for those that really want to try. But the way they have it set up is HONEST people that are either FORCED on it because something bad happened to them. The Gov. DOES NOT have a real way off any of this once you are on and I am talking of SSDI ANY any major program like that. You are dictated to what you are going to be allowed to live on and get treated like trash by many people in the system and the system does NOT allow for you to be told of what all you are allowed to get you have to either Hire someone that knows or get lucky in asking the gov. employee the right question.
And then the ones that are lazy, thinking that life owes them a living wiithout them doing any work. These people are usually dishonest, lazy and know how to get everything from the system and get to live better than the Honest people and make it harder on them and the honest people end up living so far below the poverty level and the gov. wants to keep those people from ever getting off help but will bad mouth them and threaten to take away the little they have and have PAID for when they were able to work.
I speak of experience. You want to be on SSDI and then try to work your way off of it, well I will tell you that unless you win the lottary or someone blesses you with a large and I mean a very large lump sum that will pay for you to live decently, be able to drive to visit friends, go to church, support a family and for the Extra Medical and for the new house you are likely to need because local gov. could care less about you you are just a source of income to them and someone that they will try to bully even more cause they know you do not have enough money to get a lawyer cause the ones that do the gov. agencies to help the poor are worthless, not worth the call or the breath talking to them, they do not care what you tell them if the local gov. or other gov. says no this is what they did and what was said they go and treat you like the liar and the gov. like they walk on water and that gov. is god. Kind of like what state and fed gov. in ALL branches are doing now to the country or trying to do to the country.
I recently saw an article about a young lady that had 7 kids was on welfare and was proud of it and said that she would stay on welfare the rest of her life. Well Baby farms like that, that think life owes them food and whatever they want or need and are proud of getting to sit on their fat rear ends should have their tubes tied, lose their kids, be sent to a two year program that they test the best at doing and be forced to get a job while going to school and have NO support after 6 months after they grad.
Once and only once they have been proven to be a good worker and in a stable situation would they be allowed to get their tube untied and only after they were married to someone of the opposite sex and been in that marriage for 7 years or more. This person should never be allowed to know where their other kids were placed until the youngest kid was at least 25 and then ONLY if the kids wanted to see them. if the kids didn’t want to know anything more than health info then ANY activity to try to find and or contact or view the kids would have them and the person they hired in JAIL for 10 years in a jail that MADE them work for everything they got. Like food, a place to sleep and shower and bathroom. The work ALL of it is hard labor growing and picking and slaughtering their food, processing it and cooking it and doing all that is needed to do for all this to happen without any mech. help. If they decided to rebel then they get to sleep in a selected area in the clothes that they have on with no coverings or anything to cool them and no food or water. They want to go on a hunger strike then they can push it all the way to them passing away, It is their choice. No internet or tv or music other than what they sing.
Guards are there to keep them in the faucility, keep the people safe and to have a voice in weather they worked enough to get any of the Benefit of where they are. food and drink would be the last thing pulled and every second would be taped and there would be three people judging this. Anyone being too hard on them would get to work for a week and live with these people and the same if they are too slack on them.
These poor are working and putting it back into the system, at least some are! They just do not get enough hours to cover everything. So no we are not going to kiss your feet!!!!
Ok, let me tell you the other side of the coin. There are a great many who have to suffer daily because of unknown “mental” illnesses due to the over-whelming problems in society with the food, air, politics and whatever else has been done to their bodies and chemical makeup internally without their approval and knowledge. Many people cannot work at most jobs because they are unable to deal with the problems connected to the communistic over-diversity being forced down their throat, the gender problems with the feminism movement, also connected to this agenda, and being mocked, harassed and ridiculed for their beliefs no matter where they work. It is unrelenting how anyone can say we are supposed to side with the 1 percent when our government states we are more than 18 trillion debt! Add to that our minimum wage is horrible, plus the fact their are just not any really good jobs that will work with most people and for people. You have to see the bigger picture. Why don’t all these rich, well off elitist people quit their crying and complaining and start actually doing something to stop what started this in the first place>>> SECRET SOCIETIES FULL OF OCCULT ANTI-CHRISTIAN LEADERS AND FOLLOWERS. Expose the very root of the problem in the highest places, and then you will stop all of what they created and starte3d. People would be paid a REAL living wage for ALL jobs, and people would be treated better.
They can all kiss my ass. I am tired of this c**p
Yeah ,well he can Kiss the Ass on which I sit!
Obama and our Media. lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, and more lies since 2008.
Americans Died, Hillary Clinton and Obama lied.
Obama and Holder gave weapons to the Drug Cartels with Fast and Furious, and lied about it.
Obama should have been fired the first time he wrote an Executive Order that changed our Laws.
Obama should have been fired for the invasion of Libya.
All of the world knows our Drone Attacks and our Covert War on Terror in Africa and the Middle East are wrong and our Administration is committing War Crimes by murdering innocent civiians.
Our current Administration, our current Senate, our current House, and the people in our corrupt Federal Agencies and the monsters of our Justice Department want robot cops in our streets and Drones in our skies committing the same carnage and destruction inside the United States.
No Incumbents.
They have not fired Eric Holder, Joe Biden, and Barrack Obama.
Eric Holder and Barrack Obama should have been fired for their lies and the abuse of their Office after the Zimmerman verdict and their Harassment and Intimidation of Zimmerman.
Eric Holder and Barrack Obama should have been fired for their lies and the abuse of their Office after a white guy committed the Knock Out Game for trying to have our Justice Department charge him with a Hate Crime, the Knock Out Game is Terrorism each time it is committed no matter what race the Terrorist is, lock them away.
Our current Administration gave weapons and money to Iran and Egypt.
End our stupid War on Terror.
Shut down the Bureau of Land Management and the IRS.
Repeal Obamacare.
Repeal the NDAA.
Repeal the Cyber Security Bill.
End the Sanctions against Russia. The violence was funded inside the United States.
Shut down the IRS.
Shut down the Bureau of Land Management.
Shut down the NSA, EPA, CIA, and Homeland Security or take away their weapons and any power they have other than investigation, they can turn their information they gather over to State Authorites, the FBI, or the Department of Justice, they have become too corrupt to function in their current capacity.
Our government is not more important than the people of our country.
No Incumbents.
They have not fired Eric Holder and Barrack Obama.
In the United States we should have the Freedom of Speech, the Freedom of Religion, and the Right to own a gun.
Joe Biden, Bloomberg, Eric Holder, and Barrack Obama love Gun Control and War more than Adolf Hitler did.
End our stupid War on Terror.
Quit trying to start a war with China and Russia.
If NATO or the Untied States had any respect for human life they would shut down their military operations near the Ukraine and end their stupid War on Terror, today.
The National Endowment for Democracy does the work of our State Department and our CIA, they funded the violence in the Ukraine, with the blessing of the Obama Administration so NATO and the United States could work at starting World War III.
That was the same reason the CIA and Obama were supporting the Terrorists in Syria and the same reason the NSA, CIA, and Obama wanted us to bomb Syria.
Vote each of our Senators and Representatives out.
They gave us our War on Terror and since 2008 they have gave us each of the horrible things Eric Holder, Joe Biden, and Barrack Obama has wanted.