“The top 1 percent are funding 30 percent of the government!” “So, rather than the poor, the low income and the middle class being resentful of these people, they should be kissing the ground on which they walk!” states Bryan Fischer, director of Issues Analysis for the fundamentalist American Family Association
He continues: “Who’s paying for the EBT cards? Who’s paying for food stamps? Who’s paying for the women and infant children program? Who’s paying for subsidized housing? Who’s paying for Medicaid? It is the top 1 percent.”
“So, they ought to be given ticker-tape parades once a week in all of our major cities to thank them for funding welfare for everybody.”
Fischer went on to say that it was a “myth” that Americans had a right to so-called “entitlements” or earned government benefits.
“Every bit of this is the involuntary transfer of wealth,” he remarked. “That makes us a socialist country. This is Marxism on display.”
Cram it in the sun! The government in the other place rules! This planet is as worthless as it gets in comparison!
He can Kiss My Ass
There was a day when all people would think it degrading to take a handout from anyone. I’m old enough to remember those days. If you are able to work then you worked for what you needed. It has been programed in our youth that the Government is their safety net or their salvation to live their lives their way, even if it is to live off the Government, which we the people are the Government and pay the bills. So therefore We The People need to take the Government back and restructure the freebee hand outs of our Government and make the people more self reliant. That would mean less Government Regulations and Laws restricting people from being innovators and dreamers of their pursuit of their happiness.
p**s off !! u have sucked the taxes dry and the people..u should be kissing the ground
Actually I do appreciate the wealthy. Not to the point of kissing body parts but truly appreciate them. They are the folks that made funds available to my bank for my home loan. They provide the gov’t with large amounts of money to operate and they invest in America so my fellow neighbors.have jobs. So much to be thankful for. America would be similar to Mexico economy if it weren’t for the wealthy. Truth is America is producing more and more millionaires every year since the beginning of wealth.
Richard Eckard $#%&!@* this commie
who’s doing all the cuts to all the programs ?!!!!
I guess I can stop paying taxes then since they’ve got it covered
Don Huston Jr. Either you’re an nwo propagandist or you’ve had too much fluoridated water.