“The top 1 percent are funding 30 percent of the government!” “So, rather than the poor, the low income and the middle class being resentful of these people, they should be kissing the ground on which they walk!” states Bryan Fischer, director of Issues Analysis for the fundamentalist American Family Association
He continues: “Who’s paying for the EBT cards? Who’s paying for food stamps? Who’s paying for the women and infant children program? Who’s paying for subsidized housing? Who’s paying for Medicaid? It is the top 1 percent.”
“So, they ought to be given ticker-tape parades once a week in all of our major cities to thank them for funding welfare for everybody.”
Fischer went on to say that it was a “myth” that Americans had a right to so-called “entitlements” or earned government benefits.
“Every bit of this is the involuntary transfer of wealth,” he remarked. “That makes us a socialist country. This is Marxism on display.”
And you should kiss my poor ass.
you can kiss my a– !!!!!!!!!!!!
whos agenda 21?
he will get the REAL MESSAGE soon
The top. 1 percent does pay 70 percent of all taxes.about 48percent of the people pay no taxes yet they reap the bulk of the benefits.If you tax that 1 percent 100 percent of their income it would not be enough to pay for what the 48percent syphone off of the system.We have something like 58 workers to 148 takers.This is not sustainable and we are headed for a crash.Take all the money the rich have and it will not solve the problem.There are just to many on the public dole and they aren’t paying into the system at all, let alone paying their fair share.
without us the 1% would would be too, they have their wealth the expence of our blodd and sweat
China is paying for it, thats where we owe then most money to.
And this rich p***k should be kissing the poor asses for making me rich,the dumb ass picker head.
he may want to thank the middle class too
kick him right square in his head