The first two women to graduate from Ranger School have had their elite status questioned amid claims that Army officials vowed to pass at least one of them before the course even started.
Back in January a general is claimed to have told his subordinates that ‘a woman will graduate Ranger School’ this year, as part of the first ever class to include serving female soldiers. Find out about the cheat sheet on the next page:
Here’s the real question how long can a woman last at this level? Though if they had to be lenient to let her in I doubt very long.
would not surprise me at all in this day and age
The new liberal minded America. It’s a slap in the face of every tab wearing soldier past and present
army = wimps
Question is….. Can she pee standing up?
If she couldn’t do it on her own, then she needed to be out.
If this is what happened it endagers our troops and the commanders and commander in chief should be prosecuted.
Well the U.N. called for drastic measures to be taken to bring down the surplus population.
Since Women make Men stupid this would be a good way! 🙁
I already expressed my feelings ! This is total BS
its all fun an games tell the first head gets hacked off