First Woman at Ranger School


In August, Capt Shaye Haver and First Lt Kristen Griest became the first two women to graduate from the school, having taken four months to pass all the tests.

According to those always unnamed sources, the unnamed general’s words had a ‘ripple effect’ through the unnamed ranks at Fort Benning, where part of the training takes place, leading to the women being given lenient treatment. Can you tell this element of the story originated with the dynamic journalism of People magazine?

People’s sources claim that shortly after the general’s comments were made, the women were sent to a special training camp to prepare them for Ranger School along with some of the men.

However, while the men were given a strict pass-no pass standard to meet, the nameless sources claim that the women were allowed to attempt the course as many times as they liked.

Source: UK Daily Mail

Once that was completed, multiple nameless sources say the female hopefuls were then taken to Fort Benning itself, where they spent several months being given intense preparation for the course.

This phase of training was open only to the women, the always nameless sources say, while the men were simply told to report to Ranger School when the training opening in April.

During this preparation period, it is anonymously claimed that the women were given nutritional advice, and coached on how to pass the school by star graduate Sergeant First Class Robert Hoffnagle.

Finally, the blanked out sources allege that the women were also given preferential treatment while taking part in the course itself.

According to unreliable People, less than three weeks into the course, all of the woman had either dropped out or were about to be sent home, which prompted Maj Gen. Scott Miller to travel to see them.

While the Major has acknowledged going to see the women in the past, it was never revealed what he had spoke to them about.

The mysterious Sources claim his presence was actually designed to exert influence over their trainers.

The source said: ‘No matter what the general intended to convey, the instructors had no choice but to take this to mean, “Play along.” The instructors knew what they were expected to do. They did it.’

Says who? Nameless sources.



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