Here is a clear case of religious suicide. The Bishop of Stockholm has proposed a church in her diocese (of course it is not HER church) remove all signs of the cross and put down markings showing the direction to Mecca for the benefit of Muslim worshippers.
Eva Brunne, who was made the world’s first openly lesbian bishop by the church of Sweden in 2009, and has a young son with her wife and fellow lesbian priest Gunilla Linden, made the suggestion to make those of other faiths more welcome. Results of such a decision on the next page:
When the leader of a church fails to live by, teach by or make decisions based on the Scripture, they cease to be Pastors and Bishops and instead become irrelevant life coaches.
She and Pope F can have rooms next to each other in HELL!!!
Accept people of other faiths, but NEVER dilute your OWN faith to accept others! NEVER back down in your spiritual walk for anybody or anything. You faith is what makes you unique.
No Matter how hard you fight, You can never gain the upper hand against the Alpha and Omega, beginning and End.. I do not need any witness from Man, But I have a Witness on My Behalf that is even Greater than the Witness St. John Gave..
What a fool. So do all of the people who attend this church agree with her decision? Are they all so welcoming of them when they have said they will kill anyone who is what they consider to be an infidel? I don’t understand how they can be so blind. The Muslims are running around raping women all over Sweden, and then they welcome them to join them? Sorry but I just do not understand.
So she’s a lesbian Muslim with the title of Bishop. Hmmm… Glad we cleared that up.
Muslims have no friends. If you aren’t Muslim, they want to kill you. If you’re the wrong kind of Muslim, they want to kill you. The only friendly Muslim is a dead Muslim. I like friendly muslims.
This is akin to telling everybody they must quit speaking English. Swedish or what ever language the town speaks and learn other languages in case a boat load of foreigners visits. You do not destroy a Christian Church to please other religions. If they want to come in to pray let them, but don’t tear down the symbols of that church’s faith to accommodate another religion!
Jones had his followers!!
If you are swayed by impostors preaching Gods name but are sinning doing it! Then choose your own devil to follow
Doe she like to look down from tall buildings?