Here is a clear case of religious suicide. The Bishop of Stockholm has proposed a church in her diocese (of course it is not HER church) remove all signs of the cross and put down markings showing the direction to Mecca for the benefit of Muslim worshippers.
Eva Brunne, who was made the world’s first openly lesbian bishop by the church of Sweden in 2009, and has a young son with her wife and fellow lesbian priest Gunilla Linden, made the suggestion to make those of other faiths more welcome. Results of such a decision on the next page:
This is not a cathoic bishkp
Maybe he, she, it needs to be replaced with someone who is not gay and a muslim lover.
Floyd Johnson your worried about Moore???
stop supporting the church, God never had a church–read your bible. the priests and nuns are no different from us, except they don’t earn a paycheck like we do.
Agent of satan
Her being a lesbian is what will get her thrown off a rooftop by her new found Islam leaders !!
Wake up now! Time is short and it may be to late..eternity is forever. There is only one way. That is Jesus..wake up, come out of your spiritual deadness. Come alive in Jesus who died for you, so you can have eternal life. .wake up.!!
Worthless moron. Where dud she come from?