The government of Angola has been accused of “banning Islam” by the Islamic Community of Angola (ICA) after authorities closed down all but a few unlicensed mosques in the capital city of Luanda.
There are legal penalties for women who wear the iconic veil and social pressure from both government authorties and private citizens for Muslims to leave the country. Angola does not recognize Islam as an Angolan religion as there are not enough Muslims to meet the required 100,000 members or presence in 12 of 18 provinces.
The government of Angola justified their policies, saying that Islam is an “invasion of Angolan culture and a threat to Christian values.” Muslims have been asked to tear down their own mosques under threat of paying for the demolition fees. The Angolan government has also denied that is has tried to ban Islam, stating that “there is no position that targets the destruction or closure of places of worship.”
Find out more about Angola’s stance on Islam on page 2.
Destroy them all!. If they wanted to practice their religion to strengthen their faith, I have no problem with it, but when they use that teaching to want to destroy & kill others for NOT converting to their following, it’s not welcomed with me!!. Therefore, I hope they DO have to destroy their mosques!. If they can’t be peaceful & get along with us Americans, what good will it be for us to live with one another??!! . I don’t want to live by someone who at any given moment freaks out around me like they’re programmed!!!!.
Thank God!
Under fire from whom? Islam is not a religion, but a political ideology. It should be afforded no protection as a religion.
Charlene Green well it’s not exactly like we’re going to ask them. We’re just going to treat them that way.
And those that did (Germany) are turning on them, and their own government who brought them in. Norway, is angry with them, France has major problems. People are seeing them for what they are and soon it will be bad to be a Muslim anywhere outside of a Muslim country.
It’s their country, they want to ban Islam, they should ⏯
so you support sharia law over the constitution is that it lee lol
lee compares old testament to modern sharia law, what a buffoon
i guess lee the elitist approves of honor killings, or beheading christians hmmm,
Since the year 700 or so everyone knows who they are; that is a long learning curve for politicians bringing in Muslims, who have vowed to kill them for 1400 years or so. There is no doubt of their sworn Jihad!