The government of Angola has been accused of “banning Islam” by the Islamic Community of Angola (ICA) after authorities closed down all but a few unlicensed mosques in the capital city of Luanda.
There are legal penalties for women who wear the iconic veil and social pressure from both government authorties and private citizens for Muslims to leave the country. Angola does not recognize Islam as an Angolan religion as there are not enough Muslims to meet the required 100,000 members or presence in 12 of 18 provinces.
The government of Angola justified their policies, saying that Islam is an “invasion of Angolan culture and a threat to Christian values.” Muslims have been asked to tear down their own mosques under threat of paying for the demolition fees. The Angolan government has also denied that is has tried to ban Islam, stating that “there is no position that targets the destruction or closure of places of worship.”
Find out more about Angola’s stance on Islam on page 2.
This isn’t a debate, and again it doesn’t matter what your paperwork says, again that doesn’t make you and American.
Good tearing down the places they spread their hate.
Tim Brown of course it does. I am guaranteed all the rights, privileges and protections afforded a US citizen. Again, your opinion has no impact.
And you are precisely the reason why I refuse to stand for or recite the pledge or anthem.
The American news don’t want you to know what is happens in other countries, Muslims can not live like a American citizen with out protesting changes to Sharia law.
Christians and governments in a good deed had brought them to there countries and a 99% come to make a revolution like a (Trojan horse =Refugees) they come like sheeps and become packs of wolf’s.
They must be imidiatly Deported to there country of origin and band for ever. The only hope is Deportation.
Yes #DonaldJTrump do this, #DrainTheSwamp
I’m sure that Visa’s are being looked at with 1m illegals in that category alone.
The united stayes actually banned islam in 1952
Love it.
Thanks for proveing my point Lee mitchell, your not and American, were not all infidels and we will keep our country.
If it is not recognized as a Religion, it can not be protected by the Constitution, therefore ban from this Country…