The government of Angola has been accused of “banning Islam” by the Islamic Community of Angola (ICA) after authorities closed down all but a few unlicensed mosques in the capital city of Luanda.
There are legal penalties for women who wear the iconic veil and social pressure from both government authorties and private citizens for Muslims to leave the country. Angola does not recognize Islam as an Angolan religion as there are not enough Muslims to meet the required 100,000 members or presence in 12 of 18 provinces.
The government of Angola justified their policies, saying that Islam is an “invasion of Angolan culture and a threat to Christian values.” Muslims have been asked to tear down their own mosques under threat of paying for the demolition fees. The Angolan government has also denied that is has tried to ban Islam, stating that “there is no position that targets the destruction or closure of places of worship.”
Find out more about Angola’s stance on Islam on page 2.
If you ignore this you better learn to speak Arabic because its going to be The New US Language!! WOW IN OUR FACES! We need to STOP this right now! New Muslim VOTERS! We had 3.3 million Muslims in the US last year. Who knows how many we have now that Obama has been flooding The US with muslims! They are FURTHER infiltrating our government Congress, Senate, governors, mayors. They Will Try To Implement Their Laws! They Already Are!! obama Allowed Muslim Brotherhood to Fully Infiltrate Our Government! Now their Man Keith Ellison is going to head the DNC! This is a TERROR Organization! DO Something About This!! Think of the Future America for your Kids! Is the US going to be Destroyed like all of the European countries!? It May If You Don’t Speak Up Call Your Mayor, Governor, Congressman & Senators They Have The Power To STOP This INSANITY Tell Them To NOT ALLOW A Representative of A TERROR Org Hold ANY SEAT IN Our Government!! And Stop Bringing More Potential Terrorists muslims Into The US! DEFUND THE REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT PROGRAM & DANGEROUS SANCTUARY CITIES TOO!! Before it’s too late! Now would be a good time! They just got a wake up call to Listen To The People! How Do U Think 16 States Are REFUSING TO TAKE REFUGEES!? PEOPLE SPOKE UP SAID NO REFUGEES!! Once the refugees come here we can’t get them out!
Us Taxpayers Are Going To Pay Billions Every Year To Take Care Of Them! Obama Budgeted 2.5 BILLION For 10,000 Refugees Last Year! He’s Bringing 110,000 In Next Year FY2017! That Started In October! Obama Brought 10,000 Refugees Into The US LAST MONTH IN OCTOBER! 2.5 Billion For 10,000 X 2.5 Billion X 12 months = Taxpayers Are Going to PAY 30 BILLION FOR THE YEAR To Take Care Of Unvetted Ppl Who HATE US & Say It To Our FACES THEY WANT TO TAKE OVER THE USA!!!
Call your Mayor, Governor, Senate and Congress, If Not In California Call to Get Your State Reps. (202) 224-3121. Don’t be intimidated! They work for us they’re happy to help! Tell them how you feel! It’s easy just takes a min & u don’t have to give your info just your zip code! Paul Ryan’s office (202) 225-3031. TELL PAUL RYAN TO DEFUND THE REFUGEE PROGRAM & DANGEROUS SANCTUARY CITIES! I’m sure they’d love to hear your Opinion!
California representatives;
Gov Jerry Brown (916) 445-2841
Brad Sherman (818)501-9200,
Barbara Boxer (202) 224-3553,
Tony Cardinas (202) 225-6131,
Adam Shiff (818) 450-2900,
Diane Feinstein LA # (310) 914-7300 No one answered LA # so I called San Francisco # (415) 393-0707 left message told them can’t get Throu LA #.
Eric Garcetti LA Mayor (213) 978-0600.
Paul Ryan (202) 225-3031
Aww gee whiz thats no fun . Dont you guys wanna make things go BOOM ??
Invite the muslims over to watch while you level their$#%&!@*Houses in One Big Bang !!!
Thanks Roger! We got each others back!
Stay strong for your country, just know your not alone and many more are with ya on this
Tearing down the mosques is a great idea. Maybe they would go home?
I support Angola
Have to love this.
America has to destroy all mosques.
When do we do this.
Ă€men American need Trump