What’s a “firenado”? Its a fire that is hit by the right weather conditions and causes a fire-tornado or “firenado”. This exact thing happened on a Kentucky lake nearby a Jim Beam factory. What makes this firenado extraordinary is the excelerant–Jim Beam Whisky.
see firenado video next page
now dont be calling it something catchy like firenado, next thing you know hollywood will wanna put david h$#%&!@*elhoff and some sharks in there
@[843904266:2048:Michelle Nooner] you see this?
Whoa!! That’s a waste!
Oh, the humanity.
@[1618061653:2048:Pete Taylor]
Obamas fault?
There will be no swimming in the drinking pool.
So there are 800,000 friends of Jim in mourning?
Causes infernal what?
@[100003236658641:2048:Gary E Ramsey]. Here’s the story I was telling you about.