The eighteen month old baby was turning blue when the firefighters arrived. There was a life and death decision that had to be made and the Virginia firemen chose to transport the baby in the fire truck in order to get it to the hospital as quickly as possible.
James Kelley, the twenty-year veteran fire fighter and his colleague had to make a calculated choice to drive the child to the hospital, as waiting for another emergency vehicle to arrive to transport would have put the baby’s life in grave danger.
The fire fighters have now been suspended because of their choice to transport the child in the engine. According to Kelly, he and his colleague were suspended because the engine in not a licensed transport unit.
Instead of being haled heroes for making this choice and ultimately saving the baby’s life, they are now having to sit at home and wait for their suspension to be lifted.
View the video on the next page.
It may be policy but in this situation a life and death decision had to be made and the right decision was made. It looks like your policy should be looked at!
Sir, I apploud saving a life.
You mean to say that these fire fighters are suppose to let a baby die waiting for an ambulance to arrive on the scene instead of doing the right thing and transporting the baby to the hospital as they did and then get punished for saving a life!!
Totally absurd…
That mans a hero give hom a raise
they would probably get fired for putting out a house fire and saving someone.
how much more proof do we need to know that the people in charge are absolutely stupid and lacking common sense and have no regard for human life except their own.
That’s bull
Problem solved they both got job back.