The parents of the toddler, whose life was saved by two fire fighters now suspended for their choice in transporting the child to the hospital in the fire engine, are beyond grateful for the choice these men made. Their child was turning blue and the firemen knew that if they waited for another transport to arrive, the baby may not make it, so they made a “calculated decision” and drove the baby to the hospital.
20-year veteran firefighter James Kelley says he and another colleague made the decision to rush an 18-month-old to the hospital in their fire engine after they say they calculated other responders would take much longer, and put the child’s life at risk.
“I would not hesitate, I would do the exact same thing 100 percent 10 times out of 10. I sleep well at night knowing I provided good care to that young lady,” Kelley said.
Stafford Fire and Rescue Department Assistant Chief Mark says he’s unable to comment while this potential regulatory compliance issue is under review.
Source: WUSA 9
This true hero did the right thing. His supervisors should have commended him. If he had gone strictly by the book, he would not have been suspended, but a child may have lost their life. Ask the parents of the child what they think of this guy and his crew. If I was on a city board, I would be looking into his supervisors and I would be asking some questions.
Stupidity at the highest, I bet if the person responsible for firing him had his daughter or son life saved by this same man he wouldn’t be firing him.
He needs to be suspended for how fat he is. Like seriously congrats on saving the girl but$#%&!@*sake man respect the uniform and get your fat$#%&!@*in the gym!
How can you suspend a fireman for saving a child’s life or anyone’s. They should be given a medal. I’m quite sure the parents of this child are so thankful these fireman have better sense than the higher ups. Get over your stupid selves and say thanks for your quick thinking.
That part is great but should never happened
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