Risking his life for eighteen years as a firefighter, Ronnie Edwards has prayed at every emergency scene. His actions have earned him the title of the “Praying Fireman” and those he works alongside admire and support his work ethic and his noble prayer habit. This habit of prayer has landed him in jail for 30 days.
The new mayor of DeQuincy, Lawana Jones is the “first democratic mayor in its history, an African American”, is an atheist, and has taken exception to Edwards prayer life. When she learned of Edwards praying at fires, she decided to do something about it. Sending a memo to all city employees, she told them that “any expression of personal religious belief while on duty was a violation of their contract with the city.”
Ronnie Edwards chose to keep up his prayer vigil as he believes that he must do what Jesus asks of him and not cave to the whims of an atheist mayor.
Read the rest of the story on the following page.
Please read the book.. Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinski. This is a book that Killery goes by and one of the Rules is to take Releigon out of Schools, Govt. etc. It is step by step and it is really happening folks.. it is reallly happeing. One rule it to take over Healt Care, Then Prayer, then the 2nd Admen. then increase debt, class warfare, control education (Common Core) Increase poverty.. there is more… but this is a way to control the people of this Nation. Please pray that our Lord and Savior will see that Mr. Trump and Mr. Pence will be elected to run this great Nation and bring it back to what it once was. This Mayor should be thrown out of office. I bet if it were a Muslim things would be different. Google “Hillery Clinton Converts to Islam”. Red the Book “JEB” and the crimes of the bush family. It will truly open you eyes. GOD BLESS AMERICA AND GOD BLESS TRUMP AND PENCE.
Only in America since obamadouche !!!
jailed for his christian beliefs…
I am so sorry for you, sir. know that all christians support you.jh
Obamas minion
Say the prayer for we are with you. Do not let the libturds get to you.
Ridiculous! Where are our RIGHTS and FREEDOMS? Hope Ronnie Edwards sues his employer and wins a huge settlement! This is the USA — one nation under God!!
Mayor Lawana Jones probably is an Islam Believer , judging by her name. Maybe she wants them to yell ‘ “ALLAHU AKHBAR” before fighting the fire. LOL!
If He was Muslim he could use his prayer Rug while buildings burned..
Does that mandate apply to muslims?