In a time not long ago, young girls were safe to be by themselves at the neighborhood grocery store, but times have changed as politicians have put refugee needs before the safety of their own citizens. Because of this blind eye, the people have had to rise up and protect themselves from the deranged and sexually deviant behavior of many Muslim migrant men.
The Soldier of Odin is one such group that has formed to address the safety needs that the government ignores. Recently a number of S.o.O. members rescued a group of young girls from certain rape at the hands of “Middle Eastern” migrant men outside a Finnish grocery store. The girls were being sexually assaulted by these men, when the anti-Muslim vigilante patrol saw the attack and forced the perpetrators to the ground until the police showed up.
Read more about the community watch effort performed by the Soldiers of Odin on the following page.
Curb stomp them.
Briliant !!, pftect yourselves as EU laws so$#%&!@*EU people !!, would be nice to know how many politians walk Europes streets having to meet this scum invasion without body guards !!, the people of Europe have to without prtection and laws set to imprison us if we defend ourselves and family.
Thank you to guy.
Good for them I hope they killed him
Good for them
They will be a civil war in Europe to clean up the Muslims invasion. Obama is trouble to the west.
God bless you young men
We need more of these groups!
Did they hide the body after they explained the Finnish policy on touching our women and kids???