Finnish Police Told Not to Publicly Identify Migrants

Finnish news outlets are reporting that these new rules help maintain law and order and a sense of security. Who’s this sense of security for? If you’ve been following the news that’s coming out of Germany. Migrants are not only being given a free pass, the media is being told to not to report on any of it. And citizens are already starting to rise up agains the government. This sense of security the Finnish government is talking about is doing nothing more than securing their downfall.

This is particularly egregious given the alarming number of rapes that have occurred in and around migrant camps, as well as Sweden’s crippling rape epidemic for which Muslim migrants are largely responsible.

As we have previously highlighted, authorities in Germany are also covering up crimes committed by migrants.

Last month it emerged that police in Germany are keeping quiet about a spate of rapes targeting children committed by Muslim migrants in and around refugee camps so as not to “legitimize” critics of mass migration.

What the Finnish government is saying is that it’s okay for Muslim migrants to rape children and ruin their cities. If you’ve been following the migrant situation in Sweden or Germany, you know that rape is only the beginning of the horrible crimes committed by migrants. Anybody trying to say that Islam is a religion of peace is clearly delusional.




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