Hillary Clinton may have found herself in an unexpected, bitter primary battle against a geriatric, cartoonish socialist this election, but this week’s Super Tuesday delegates are likely to all but pave the road to Hillary’s eventual nomination.
How delightful, then, that they very week that hands Hillary the reins of the Democrat Party may very well be the week that leads to her downfall as a politician.
The final batch of Hillary Clinton emails are set to be released this week, and within them, 88 more classified documents have been uncovered. That’s added to the hundreds that have already been released — and hundreds more than it took to convict General David Petraeus of a similar crime.
Hillary may so far have been coddled by the Loretta Lynch and those beneath her, but the overwhelming evidence against the pantsuit-clad politician that has now finally been released in its entirety may prove to be an unavoidable dilemma for even Obama’s liberal Justice Department.
Judge Napolitano seems to think that if Lynch bring it to a Grand Jury, Hillary’s White House prospects may soon transfer to the big house, instead.
Why? Because he’s got a bombshell of an accusation. See it on the next page:
And she is Obama’s puppet
Put both of them behind bars
What is she waiting for?
Lynch is a liberal puppet, walking in lock step with the rest of them.
Lynch has nothing to do with JUSTICE!! She is just another liberal wantng to advance the muslim agenda that Hillary and Ovomit have been pushing!! Why in Gods name they want to destroy America is beside me!!
pos ag will not do anything. pos potus will not allow her to. he is as involved as killary…why do you think he won’t release his emails until he is out of office….by doing so HE IS TAKING THE 5th.
Interesting how this will p;lay out
If lynch does not indite her she will be prosecuted next year.
She is with obozo she is just as EVIL