Documentary filmmaker Dennis Michael Lynch reveals in his latest film, They Come To America III, how our border fence, at least the part Trump built that hasn’t been torn down yet by the Biden regime, is a complete facade portrayed by the federal government who cuts holes in the fence to allow illegals, drug cartels, ISIS and who knows what else to easily cross over.
These holes were originally made by the drug cartel, but now our own government is creating the holes for them. And, adding insult to injury, they are made very close to a Border Patrol station filled with hundreds of agents.
Fence in the crooked feds left over from the previous criminal administration.
Mr. Lynch has been trying for years to be relevant.
This isn’t true. Ridiculous.
We need a wall built.
Up yours. Even if true, which it’s not, it’s a better alternative to the muslim loving murderer we had, and the squawking, scandal ridden, lying murderer, who Trump kicked the$#%&!@*out of in the election. Go peddle your B.S. somewhere that someone gives a damn about f**e news and the liberal idiots that gobble it up.
Bureaucrats will commit any treason or treachery if they think it will protect their paycheck and pension.
That’s stupid. Just get a ladder.
We need Snipers along the border, screw the damn wall. A after they bashed that agents head in, a bullet to theirs would be much better…
Fix it