Documentary filmmaker Dennis Michael Lynch reveals in his latest film, They Come To America III, how our border fence, at least the part Trump built that hasn’t been torn down yet by the Biden regime, is a complete facade portrayed by the federal government who cuts holes in the fence to allow illegals, drug cartels, ISIS and who knows what else to easily cross over.
These holes were originally made by the drug cartel, but now our own government is creating the holes for them. And, adding insult to injury, they are made very close to a Border Patrol station filled with hundreds of agents.
You learn something new every day, especially about Dennis Michael Lynch.
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Those holes are for the water and debris to flow through during the monsoon season! Without them the whole fence would be torn down or worse . You can see the drainage wash in the background of the picture.
The entire Obama experience was one big sham.
The spacing of the slats would have accomplished the same thing. Give it up. Your boy was a treasonous freak.
Who is my boy ? Boy!
That’s why we needed someone to figure out how to design a wall that works for all Conditions ??? It’s not that hard, time to get off their$#%&!@*and to kick some$#%&!@*!
Just keep circulation of this article it will get noticed!