29 year-old Gavin Seim, 29, of Ephrata, PA was arrested merely for asking the police officer why he had pulled him over. Soon, Seim, who is a former congressional candidate, and his father found themselves embroiled in the county court, fighting a series of alleged violations of their Constitutional rights.
Watch the video as the fiery Seims draws lines in the sand, backed by the Constitution. He refuses to give an inch regarding the perceived violations and then incredibly, calls out the judge!
Seim is the personification of how many Constitutionalists and Conservatives feel nationwide .
Really buttercup? You really just reported my post? Sorry your an idiot who has no clue what your talking about and a butt hurt little nancy boy. Jeremy Kimmick this dude is a chode no use arguing with a mentally defunct man child.
Agreed Perry Ross!!
Your racist pic actually
Look another little social justice warrior who’s panties get in a knot when she is “triggered” you are to ignorant and diluted to even understand this flag. Let me guess “it’s a flag of slavery ” you half sane little $#%&!@*. Go play your little video games son because men are talking here and don’t want you to get all weepy and mess your self.
Guess it really pissed you off you can’t own brown people
Look here more $#%&!@*umptions and ad hominem from the man child. Since your wrong and you obviously know nothing about me I’ll let you in on a little history. My ancestors fought for the Confederacy yes but they were not rich white plantation owners. They were part of the Cherokee brigades. Take it easy don’t want your liberal little brain to explode. Yes native American of many tribes fought for the Confederacy yet did not own slaves.. Just screws your whole argument up doesn’t it? Your gonna be one of 2 things I’ll take the liberty since you have no issue $#%&!@*uming. Your either a white SJW who’s never did a hard days work in your life and daddy paid for everything or some type of minority who is angry at the “evil” white people for holding you down when it is in fact your apathetic en$#%&!@*lement mentality that is the cause.
Yes your ancestors profited by enslaving African peopke and fought a war to try and continue to exploit and abuse them… your display of their battleflag shows your desire to enslave them again
Isn’t it time for your klan meeting
You are a sad diluted little monkey you know that? My ansestors had no part in slavery nor made any profit from it. You sir are about the only racist here. You need something to make yourself feel morally superior but your not. You are a drain on society and contribute nothing .