29 year-old Gavin Seim, 29, of Ephrata, PA was arrested merely for asking the police officer why he had pulled him over. Soon, Seim, who is a former congressional candidate, and his father found themselves embroiled in the county court, fighting a series of alleged violations of their Constitutional rights.
Watch the video as the fiery Seims draws lines in the sand, backed by the Constitution. He refuses to give an inch regarding the perceived violations and then incredibly, calls out the judge!
Seim is the personification of how many Constitutionalists and Conservatives feel nationwide .
Truly Bad Injustice & Corruption….
Jason Lane is some autist with special snowflake syndrome. The cons$#%&!@*utionality of American laws are far beyond his compression. CoD fan boy had more then likely never read the cons$#%&!@*ution let alone understand Corpus delicti.
Obomber the NWO Planted Islamer’s Gustapo at play?
You can be jailed for a misdemeanor. .. your thinking of a summary offense. .. learn the law ….
Nothing 5he government has done to this point has been uncons$#%&!@*utional. … I may not agree with all of it but they have not crossed the line
Fire the Poleperson boss and the so called judge!
Just answer his question!
He is a special kind of stupid that one (Jason Lane). Lol.
Have our rights gone away becsause of our leaders? YES!
what is wrong with these cops whay are they atacking our people don’t we have enough real criminals and terrorist around to let them bow off steam t. taking it out on inocents cowardness to face real criminals