29 year-old Gavin Seim, 29, of Ephrata, PA was arrested merely for asking the police officer why he had pulled him over. Soon, Seim, who is a former congressional candidate, and his father found themselves embroiled in the county court, fighting a series of alleged violations of their Constitutional rights.
Watch the video as the fiery Seims draws lines in the sand, backed by the Constitution. He refuses to give an inch regarding the perceived violations and then incredibly, calls out the judge!
Seim is the personification of how many Constitutionalists and Conservatives feel nationwide .
This will be part of the New Judicial system and if you think it sucks now just wait and see what they have up their sleeves.
You admitted to using a pot..that is a huge flaw that is legal anywhere. ..i am confident one that will be fixed
Your lack of understanding is pathetic. .. it is the legislative branch that makes the laws. . And executive that enforces them and judicial that I interprets them
To kris,, it is not snarky. It is fact that most haters are too coward (or are a convicted felon) to ever step up and do the job. I watched the video and this guy was WAY out of line for normal courtroom behavior… Withour rules (of behavior for court) thee in only ancharcy left.
When did I ever say I used pot? Please site your reference. I misspoke, the judicial branch applies and interprets the laws. The police are part of the executive branch that implements and enforces laws. However by your own words the judicial branch doesn’t get to “make the rules” as you stated the judge gets to. Your contradictory statements show the apalling lack of intelligence on the matter we discuss. Your $#%&!@*umptions of drug use and criminality show your biased and uninformed thought process. The fact that you will comply with unjust orders and willingness to allow corruption show you as a sheep oh so willing to follow the m$#%&!@*es. It is people with that type of mindset that allow this country to be ruined by people with power, power that has corrupted them to the point they think they are above the law.
He got in all this mess just asking the cop “Why did you stop me”? That is tyranny and people need to know about it. Obama is going to turn convicted felons free and put American Citizens in prison.
You admitted to criminal action and conviction in this thread and your support from legal pot in Colorado. …there is no way you f on use. … and btw… precedence is law set by judicial judgement
OBama’s law at wwork!
There is no unjust laws in our system
Obvious troll is an obvious troll.