29 year-old Gavin Seim, 29, of Ephrata, PA was arrested merely for asking the police officer why he had pulled him over. Soon, Seim, who is a former congressional candidate, and his father found themselves embroiled in the county court, fighting a series of alleged violations of their Constitutional rights.
Watch the video as the fiery Seims draws lines in the sand, backed by the Constitution. He refuses to give an inch regarding the perceived violations and then incredibly, calls out the judge!
Seim is the personification of how many Constitutionalists and Conservatives feel nationwide .
. I was completely spot on with you… anarchist pot head
It is not her courtroom, as the individual stated it is OUR courtroom as in We The People!
This is a republic not a demicracy..
Not mob rule… she is an elected official
.. it’s her court room for the duration of her term.
We can vote for our representatives.. that’s the we part
I am by no means an anarchist. I believe in limited government. Not big government that wants to tell everyone how to live their lives. Pothead? Maybe, maybe not. I’m a journeyman pipefitter/pipe welder in the oilfield industry. Make your $#%&!@*umptions as you please bro. I think I got you pegged to. Unemployed, give me give me give me, vote for your oppressors, bend over/lay down take it in the butt and allow the masters to get away with it genius.
Convicted criminal. . You already admitted to that… as well as your drug habit…. we have a limited government system. .. stop breaking the law your problems with the legal system will vanish. …
Who said I was on any type of aid.
I am not.. I support myself
And your are an anarchist if you think complying with the very reasonable laws we have here are oppression. ..
Oh and going back, it is NOT her courtroom. She may preside over it but it is not hers. It belongs to the people!
Tell you what …if it’s the people’s house..go spend the weekend in your guest room at your white house
It is hers and she does have the right to make the rules. … there is a flaw in our legal system… proof…your not in prison
Prison for what bro? My cat running the streets? You’re a special kind of stupid aren’t you? She doesn’t have the right to make the rules, she’s a judge she enforces the law she doesn’t get to make it. I believe that is the job of the legislative branch. Let’s say it together L E G I S L A T I V E B R A N C H. That would consist of the house of Representatives and the Senate.