29 year-old Gavin Seim, 29, of Ephrata, PA was arrested merely for asking the police officer why he had pulled him over. Soon, Seim, who is a former congressional candidate, and his father found themselves embroiled in the county court, fighting a series of alleged violations of their Constitutional rights.
Watch the video as the fiery Seims draws lines in the sand, backed by the Constitution. He refuses to give an inch regarding the perceived violations and then incredibly, calls out the judge!
Seim is the personification of how many Constitutionalists and Conservatives feel nationwide .
None of those definitions apply to what’s going on here
Well then Kris, I suggest that you step up, sign up, become an officer and become part of the cure to bad ol’ POL-ice mans.. Oh no??? I didn’t think so.
no Officer likes the threat of a false allegation, but I would be bound to take this imbecile down too.
Some folks just can’t understand they don’t own something because they work there.
Courts are completely out of line.
Yep join up and change $#%&!@* from inside his operation!
That always works lmmfao
@Dana. I’m disabled sweetheart. I don’t think they’d have me. But I admire your snarky sarcasm. Are you related to my mom? She was the Queen of Sarcasm. Those people were upholding their Cons$#%&!@*utional rights. Please tell me why the police should deny them that.
Msm doesn’t spread the real only book reviews and other lies!
Wow looks like all are!
Poor little naive kids… if we ever get an oppressive government you’re not going to know what to do with yourself if you think things are bad now