Fidel Castro is a thug, a murderer, and an unapologetic communist who has caused unbelievable suffering and poverty in his “island paradise” of Cuba. It is astonishing that he could claim success in a country that survived primarily as a welfare recipient of Russian largess for many years, and where desperation was so deep that thousands of Cubans have risked their lives to escape Cuba and reach the American shore at almost any cost.
Having said that, Castro’s comments about Barack Obama after the President’s recent trip to Cuba show that Obama is a weak, naive representative of the United States who is disrespected and insulted by a host of world leaders, including Russian premier Putin, Turkey president Recep Erdogan, and now Fidel Castro.
When Obama campaigned for office, he claimed he would be an excellent representative for the U.S. by sitting down with foreign leaders and reasoning together. In fact, he is now recognized as an impotent, untrustworthy hack who can’t make a decision or lead a girl scout troop. Obama did not meet with Fidel during his visit to Cuba, but after he left for Argentina to tango the night away, Fidel let him have it in the Cuban newspaper.
Fidel castigates the community organizer, page 2:
Even Castro couldn’t stand him.
I knew that was comeing.
He payed those kids to have them renamed and relocated. They were witnesses to something they will never understand, and their parents are now relocated too
Viva Fidel! Mucho Fidelissimo!!
Now that I know this is a Nazi site, I shall not return. Shalom!!
You just cannot make this stuff up. Nobody would believe that somebody like Obie could come along and destroy our country. Its unbelievable……and SICKENING
Obama legacy is damnation, separate from the lord forever. He went to the united Nations for a new world order. He pushing for the one world religion. And he ask them to be the one world leader. Russia and other reject him.all the world got worse since he been president. All Islamic followers are all antichrists.! He a anti Christian.Christ told you about seven years the one world government and religion will be destroyed by God himself. Obama will be destroyed forever. Thrown into the lake of fire tormented day and night forever.! All Islamic followers are thrown into the lake of fire.!! Read the book of Revelation. The beast are the islamic nations and all Islamic followers.!! False prophet Muhammad, islamic madhi is the Antichrist. In the book of Daniel.! A king of firece countenance.!! Read what it says what God going to do to all of you.after the prince will come the total destruction of all Islamic nations and all Islamic followers will be destroyed. All will drink the cup of God wrealth,Obama legacy is the lake of fire tormented day and night forever. All Islamic followers are the children of darkness.!!
He would rather us be communist than what we are . The quicker this bum is run the hell out of here the better .
Honestly, I don
the castros and obummer are cut from the same cloth. SCUMBAGS ANY WAY YOU LOOK AT THEM!!
Obama trying to make points with fellow Communist?