Donald Trump has to be either the smartest strategist to ever run for president of the United States, or the luckiest. Whether planned or not, he is headline news every day without spending a dime. Often it is because of some controversial position or statement he has made, and you would think that would be a 50/50 proposition, sometimes benefiting from the controversy, and sometimes ending up on the short end of the debate, but it rarely ends up like that. And often, even those who are not supporters will be pulled into the controversy and end up defending his position, or at least his right to take that position.
One of the earliest examples, and one which continues to generate controversy and has forced virtually all other candidates to respond and take a clear position, is that of illegal immigration and immigration in general. Trump did not say that we need to “fix our broken immigration system” like so many other politicians, because often that is political speak for giving amnesty to all the illegals now in this country. Instead, Trump stated that we need to send the illegals home, to enforce immigration laws and stop immigrants from entering our country and taking jobs and benefits, and he insisted that he would finish building the wall on our southern border that the politicians promised us they would do about ten years ago. It never happened.
When he made those statements, many of the pundits and TV talking heads declared that would be the end of his political campaign, since it was perceived as mean-spirited and racist, at least by the Left and the Republican establishment. But the shock was almost palpable as American citizens shouted their agreement, and Trumps popularity zoomed ahead. Americans feel betrayed by politicians on the Left and the Right who have promised to respect the American worker and to prevent the dramatic dilution of American culture as waves of illegal immigrants have flowed into the country with little stopping them, including the federal government whose job it is to enforce immigration law.
After Pope Francis seemingly took a direct shot at Trump, and it would generally be assumed that his support and respect would be diminished by such harsh criticizm from a respected world figure. Instead, it seems that people from all walks of society are rushing to defend Trump, and as always, Trump himself is good for some excellent rejoinders in response to the criticism.
See who is criticizing Trump plus video response, page 2:
The catholic church IS part of the nwo,
Mr Pope man of satan lol s
The pope is an idiot. Go back and hide behind your wall
After hearing from this Pope how great the muzzies are and how the Pope has condemned those who don’t want invaders in their country he seems the hypocrite. There is a wall around the vatican to keep the muzzies out, and he can’t see into another man’s heart so when denying another mans faith he demenishes his own faith.
Trump replaces conservative ideals with “free-floating populism”
Trump supported Obama’s stimulus and bailouts Over the years, there have been endless fractures in the façade of individual freedom, but three policies provided the fuel that lit the tea-party fire: the stimulus, the auto bailouts, and the bank bailouts. Barack Obama supported all three. So did Donald Trump.
Trump will be an easy takedown for the Dems
Trump was a liberal until very recently, Trump told Sean Hannity in 2011 that “I was [Obama’s] biggest cheerleader,” and that he has supported liberal policies like universal government healthcare.
Trump’s a big-government crony — “Trump has made a living out of preying on and bullying society’s most vulnerable, with the help of government.
He admits that he’s bought off elected officials in order get his way and to openly abuse the system.
Thomas Sowell: Trump’s egomania mirrors Obama’s
William Kristol: Trump prioritizes wealth over freedom — “Hasn’t Donald Trump been a votary merely of wealth rather than of freedom? Hasn’t he been animated by the art of the deal rather than by the art of self-government?”
Dana Loesch: Trump supported government seizure of private property — “As recently as a couple of years ago, Trump favored the liberal use of eminent-domain laws. He said that the ability of the government to wrest private property from citizens served ‘the greater good.’ Is that suddenly a conservative principle?”
Trump is a philosophically unmoored political opportunist who would trash the broad conservative ideological consensus.” They note that Trump has in the past expressed support for “abortion, gun control, single-payer healthcare à la Canada, and punitive taxes on the wealthy.”
The Wounded Warriors Project is the veterans organization that the Republican presidential candidate is raising funds for at an event he’s hosting at same time as the Fox News debate.
The New York Times delved into the group’s financing and spending and uncovered some eye-opening allegations lodged by those who have worked with the group. The report states:
Since its inception in 2003 as a basement operation handing out backpacks to wounded veterans, the charity has evolved into a fund-raising giant, taking in more than $372 million in 2015 — largely through small donations from people over 65.
The story makes the charge:
But in its swift rise, it has also embraced aggressive styles of fund-raising, marketing and personnel management that have many current and former employees questioning whether it has drifted from its mission.
It has spent millions a year on travel, dinners, hotels and conferences that often seemed more lavish than appropriate, more than four dozen current and former employees said in interviews. Former workers recounted buying business-class seats and regularly jetting around the country for minor meetings, or staying in $500-per-night hotel rooms.
The questions have resurfaced in connection to Donald Trump working with the veterans group, even though his Foundation has given only a small fraction to veterans organizations over the last known reported years of 2009-2013.
In contrast, the Trump Foundation has given the same amount of funds to Planned Parenthood sponsor, the Susan G. Komen foundation, and even more funding to the Clinton Foundation.
Sad that a “Voice” chose to catch the Pope to speak out against an American. It is also not Christian to follow ways of Liberation theology either. Where is Zorro when you need him?
Pope is nothing of christ
Trump won…Pope doesn’t decide which is or is not a Christian. ..only God can do that!
It did hurt the pope, now even more, secrets are coming out in the open, why he’s doing it.