On the anniversary of the shooting death of Michael Brown, Ferguson protesters brought in a roasted pig for the demonstration – right in front of the police department.
The pig was obviously dressed up as a representation of Officer Darren Wilson, who shot Brown on August 9, 2014.
Later on Sunday night, a shooting broke out with police elsewhere in the city.
See Video on Page 2:
You can thank osama for this continued reaction. Mike brown committed a crime and was not an innocent young man. Osama and his administration and the joke of a racist reverend got involved before the true facts went out. All these people should be arrested and sent to prison. Period! Jessie Jackson would be crying by now. This isnt called protesting its called rioting and instigating chaos.
Yep that looks like mike brown .yep that it.
How stupid can people get. Where’s all the outrage for the white unarmed teen killed by the police. Between this and the muslim thing it’s more than time to start taking our country back.
More white people were shot last year than blacks. This is getting ridiculous. I’m not saying police brutality doesn’t exist but they could have picked a better martyr
The civil rights act declared these “people” to be equsal and yet, that doesn’t mean that THEY are equal because you don’t see or hear of “whites” destroying businesses, looting, attacking anyone that doesn’t agree with them and taking on the established law enforcement personnel by $#%&!@*aulting them as well as shooting at them! Bottom line, the law says that “they” are supposed to be treated equally but when they act like they currently are, one has to wonder about the truth of “you can take an animal out of the jungle but you can’t take the jungle out of the animal!” IF they insist on acting like animals and thugs then it should NOT come as a surprise to them whren they get treated like animals!!!! To hell with political correctness! Mess with the wrong people and they’ll find the price for doing so EXTREMELY high!!!! Enough is ENOUGH!!!- Vietnam Combat Veteran 7/66-11/71
Where is peta on this one? Where are all the Cecil lovers? Mia.
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Do these people ever get enough..hell no they just keep on
Even tho it was proven hands up was a lie it doesn’t matter to ignorant people! You don’t want to be stereo typed…well this kind of behavior doesnt help that
Thugs ! Law less acting like animals ! Ppl don’t want to be around ppl like this in society that behave this way