On the anniversary of the shooting death of Michael Brown, Ferguson protesters brought in a roasted pig for the demonstration – right in front of the police department.
The pig was obviously dressed up as a representation of Officer Darren Wilson, who shot Brown on August 9, 2014.
Later on Sunday night, a shooting broke out with police elsewhere in the city.
See Video on Page 2:
At least we know they aren’t Muslims.
All you people think that the french are our allies are crazy. They are just the family member that calls for a bail out every time they get in to trouble. They were late showing up for our battle for independence…they never paid us back for bailing them out in WW2…they refused to allow our fighter planes and bombers to fly over their air space during the gulf war and now that they are in trouble because of their allegiance to the European Union they have allow 60 thousand terrorists into their soon to be third world nation. Europe is a disaster with their open borders. And France is only just the beginning. Watch what happens in Germany and Brussels next.The Icelandic countries with their socialist policies have already succumbed to this invasion. And now with Obama allowing some 200k of this Radical Islamic garbage into our country we too will have bombing and mass shooting to go along with our domestic problems. The liberal policies of the European Union have brought these atrocities upon themselves. I feel compassion for the victims and their families but I cannot stand up and support a country or countries that have brought this upon themselves.There fore I will not change my background to the french colors like so many of you uneducated libtards have. I will in fact support the countries that openly support us with out fear of retribution from the scum of the earth,The Islamic Radical Muslims. Remember when it starts happening in the Good Old U S of A, Mr. Ruhnke told you so!!!
What a terrible wast of a roasted pig.
how did the moslems like the pig???
Is it legal yet to take a cops gun in Ferguson? I think we should have a vote and let all the felons and illegal immigrants have their say
stupid is as stupid does…
Obama has set back race relations in this country by 50 years.
Oh, they were just having a bbq, for their Muslim friends.
Suppression fire and engage….
Randy Marsh must have been thinking about these scum when he was on Wheel of Fortune. http://southpark.cc.com/clips/155459/you-cant-say-that-on-television