On the anniversary of the shooting death of Michael Brown, Ferguson protesters brought in a roasted pig for the demonstration – right in front of the police department.
The pig was obviously dressed up as a representation of Officer Darren Wilson, who shot Brown on August 9, 2014.
Later on Sunday night, a shooting broke out with police elsewhere in the city.
See Video on Page 2:
This sickens, me, not the pig, but the media coverage, the headline read like these guys came out shooting, but the article reads some cops were shot elsewhere. Nice job media, stuffing lies down peoples throat. The people with the pig didnt shoot anyone, they took two completely unrelated events and put them together to make a better headline
michael brown was a pig!!!
who won
this is what happens when thugs rule
These folks will get their butt kicked by the Police-soon!
nuke em
This is not going to end good!
you guys wasted that big roasted pig over michael brown how sad that pig could have gone to good use, by the way who cares about brown he is dead and its his fault hes dead
Why are you posting something from August 9, 2014? Just to stir the pot.?
Blacks have the brainpower