On the anniversary of the shooting death of Michael Brown, Ferguson protesters brought in a roasted pig for the demonstration – right in front of the police department.
The pig was obviously dressed up as a representation of Officer Darren Wilson, who shot Brown on August 9, 2014.
Later on Sunday night, a shooting broke out with police elsewhere in the city.
See Video on Page 2:
Perfectly said. Why people don’t see and accept the simple truth is beyond me. A bunch of idiots.
I can make a tar baby and have it hung up
Tired of watching those stupid idiots level it and start over!!!!!!
All protesters need to be shot no matter what they are protesting.
We would be eating that pig. And saying Play stupid games win stupid prizes.
Obama’s America.
The protestors might be dumb, but the sponsors of all this, are not, they are purposely destabilizing cities.
Seriously…..no one cares anymore.
If you look up to Mike Brown than you must be lower than thug scum
Does this put Black Lives Matters at odds with PETA?
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at 11.