On the anniversary of the shooting death of Michael Brown, Ferguson protesters brought in a roasted pig for the demonstration – right in front of the police department.
The pig was obviously dressed up as a representation of Officer Darren Wilson, who shot Brown on August 9, 2014.
Later on Sunday night, a shooting broke out with police elsewhere in the city.
See Video on Page 2:
Actually, Nicholas Vevang you both are. Your comment alone proves that. I don’t agree with their reactions at all. But this isn’t happening just because they are black. It’s because they are opportunists and criminals. Heir mind set does not discriminate. It affects all races.
I don’t even see the point in having any type of protest peaceful or not over a someone who beat up old men for anything they had on them or just for kicks, who stole from a store and $#%&!@*aulted the owner/clerk and tried to take an officers gun and use it against him…why would you even protest that?
agree 100%
I think you would be hard pressed to ever see that….
Don’t these idiots have jobs? Oh nevermind
I bet a ebt card paid for it
Now we know why racism will never end!
They are all idiots.
Oh so true!
I’m telling you the solution is to mow everyone of these animals down when they get together to break the law. Like all animals they will learn that doing this kills them and the animal will avoid this action and teach their young the same. We all win