On the anniversary of the shooting death of Michael Brown, Ferguson protesters brought in a roasted pig for the demonstration – right in front of the police department.
The pig was obviously dressed up as a representation of Officer Darren Wilson, who shot Brown on August 9, 2014.
Later on Sunday night, a shooting broke out with police elsewhere in the city.
See Video on Page 2:
You do understand that there are white people doing this stuff too right? Lol.
I guess the New Black Panthers are continuing with their war they declared. Question is, why is it being allowed????
Kill em all and let God sort em out ……..
Rat a tat tat.
What else would you expect from the s$#%&!@* of Ferguson! Brown sealed his own fate!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is not what MLK stood for
These folks are doing exactly what anyone would do if an innocent teen was gunned down by a cop. A cop who was never on trial for it. A teen who had a clean record and never strong arm robbed a store clerk, ignored a cops orders them tried to kill the cop. Exactly like that.
Idiot thugs!…
Because a thug $#%&!@*aulted a store owner, $#%&!@*aulted a police officer tried to take his gun, and got shot? He got what he deserved, and most of the black community gets what they deserve when they keep voting for Democrat liberal progressives that promise them handouts that hardworking ppl pay for. They have every opportunity in America just like everyone else, if not more I.e. affirmative action, eeoc, I could go on and on. WE ARE FRUSTRATED IN AMERICA. If history is any guide they will be ashamed of themselves.
Ferguson protestors are dumber than a box of rocks for worshiping the thug, Michael Brown.