The media – and our President – are both very quick to pick up stories of minorities who are victims, or even just perpetrators who are made to look like victims, of violent crime.
However, cases of whites who are victims of the same violent acts, especially as perpetrated by minorities, often goes unreported. There is definitely a race-baiting agenda set forth by socialists who want to ‘divide and conquer’ this nation.
Take this case of an elderly white man who was viciously beaten with his own oxygen tank. Hear about this in the news?
The victim is shown lying face down on the pavement with his oxygen tank beside him.‘You need to take us live. Some gentlemen was in his car, he was on oxygen, they stole his car, left him on the ground. We’re standing here where he is,’ said reporter Robin Smith of KMOV-TV.
According to witnesses the man, who is dependent on oxygen, was attacked by two men as he returned to his vehicle to replace his almost empty tank.
Protesters and observers stood in the snow outside the police headquarters in Ferguson, Missouri, during a third night of protests
An elderly man was run over after two people stole his car in Ferguson during Monday night’s disturbances
The aftermath of the incident was captured by a St. Louis news crew and shows the chaotic scene in the parking lot of Faraci Pizza and the victim was shown lying face down on the pavement
According to witnesses the man, who is dependent on oxygen, was attacked by two men as he returned to his vehicle to replaced his almost empty tank
;”>As the two men attempted to take his car, the man held on to his steering wheel and was run over as the thieves sped away.
‘Only in America do you see stuff like this,’ witness Jaye Perry, 52, told St Louis Post Dispatch
Medics eventually arrived to the scene and transported the man to the hospital. His identity and condition are unknown.
On Wednesday night the cold weather and snow appeared to have had a significant impact on the number of protesters on the streets of Ferguson.
Guard troops as light snow fell. About 100 people marched through a major intersection and blocked traffic for several minutes.
Troops with rifles were posted at intersections and parking lots in a nearby area where stores were looted and burned Monday into Tuesday.
Why do you compare things to animals as if there somehow lesser? you do know humans are animals as well right ?
This is just so far beyond subhuman and despicable I can’t even say anything more…
When did the man get run over?
If the man was white…………..that’s O,K.
Disgusting, have they no heart?
We do not owe!
We do not owe!
Here we have exhibit number one. But the devil hates everyone, and you will not like where he will eventually take you, and I do not care who you are, but he really hates the white people, and especially white Americans. And you can ask his servants, those who play the Knockout Games, in America and the Middle East. And were you confused about where all of that was coming from?
And it is a hallmark of satan that the guilty accuse the innocent, as his servants scream “haters gonna hate,” and play the Knockout Game, and burn the cities down, those who are accorded every privilege, one-sided hate laws and Affirmative Action, and welfare, yet who sneer at those who enjoy no privileges bestowed by the world, those whom the devil says are debtors, whose only privilege is that bestowed by God. But the devil hates anything that is bestowed by God.
Ask Aleister Crowley, the father of the Church of Satan, a man after satan’s own heart, and his advice about human sacrifice, “a white, male child, of perfect innocence and intelligence makes the most suitable victim.”
Ask CPS about it, or the UN, as they write the rules for CPS, the rules for the American, white kids. As they snatch another adoptable, and valuable, newborn from her mother’s breast, and she disappears into Hillary’s Godless Village, never to get a hug from someone who loves her again. Legalization of drugs, anyone? Obama loves the idea.
We consider the metabolic process called Glycolysis, and the white muscle fibers in the breasts of chickens, and quail, and the legs of world-class sprinters, and NFL running backs, and, also, we consider the existence of the Israelis, God’s Chosen People, and we consider that the devil lied, and decreed that difference, and inherent superiority, does not exist, and that the contention for difference and superiority is disallowed, and that there are no differences among the races, that all of the world is the same, and that there is only one world race. (And now he has pronounced that the border of America, and Texas, are racist, playing his Race Card in an effort to destroy them, and how do they exist if there is no border, and has he not already accomplished his goal, to destroy America and Texas?)
In agreement with the devil’s decree the devil pronounced there were no differences between men and women, and that animals have rights equivalent to humans. And, also, that man is not above creation, but subservient to Creation, and of less value than Creation, and that population should be controlled for the sake of the Creation that is not maintained by a God that does not exist, anyway. He prepared his labels for those who would contend for the word of God, “racist,” “sexist,” “specieist,” etc.
The devil is a continual liar and his pronouncements and decrees always contradict the word of God which is the truth. The devil hates the word of God and must flee from it, and it is the word of God which will reveal the lies and the ploys of the devil.
And lies always have an ulterior motive. The part of the story the shyster salesman forgot to mention. Ask Eve, from the Garden of Eden about it.
The devil decreed the contention of difference and superiority, by definition, Racism, was disallowed. But then he also decreed that since one would be racist if he would not reject superiority, he would also be racist if he would not accept the mutually exclusive category, inferiority, and that one will be deemed racist if he will not agree that he owes,and must pay, and that in general one must denigrate himself, and his country and his God, and must apologize.
And so we have the Non-Scriptural Decree of the New World Order, The Decree, the devil’s lie, the mantra of all the Godless horde (those apart from God), and the devil’s stronghold in the minds of white people after indoctrination, that
“You owe, and you must pay (even the lives of your children), for you will be racist if you will not pay, and you cannot be racist.”
But need some American, white kids for your harem, or for sacrifice? Talk to the UN. But it will cost you.
And we should know that the attrition of our kids, the seeping genocide at the hands of the UN, as they disappear into Hillary’s Godless Village, is costing us more a lot more, as we ignore our God, and pay our kids to those we worship, and the devil, himself.
But if the Knockout Games and Aleister Crowley are not enough to convince you, and you think the devil, and his servants do not hate white people, kindly peruse The Decree, the devil’s decree, and ask The Reverend of the god of Racism, Al Sharpton who it is that owes, according to the devil. Ask the vaunted Illuminati woman, Oprah, as she denies Christ and says all the racist whites need to die. They will tell you that only white people can be racist, that only white people, and especially, white Americans, owe all the rest of the non-white world, and that white people must pay, so that they can never criticize them, or even speak of the matter, unless to offer praise. As the white liberals hiss and scream, and furiously play their Race Cards at any who would even mention the matter, who would not praise, if he were allowed to speak at all. ANY criticism is the failure to pay, and is racism, as the Godless horde is astounded at one with the temerity to commit heresy against their beloved god of Racism, and rush to rabidly play their Race Cards. But ask the illegals from one-hundred and fifty countries who owes, those illegals that have crossed the Texas border, as Obama gives the free, plane tickets to the resort in Hawaii.
The devil can take your country, and your life, if you agree that you owe and must pay the Godless horde, and him, anything and everything, forever. He can make your worship the Godless horde and him. He can take your soul.
But let the emblem be Exhibit Number One, that the devil, and his servants, hate white people, for the white liberals and those who receive, those who have rejected God’s word, and God, Himself, who blindly proffer the devil’s arguments, are furious at the emblem. Screaming and hissing, furiously playing their Race Cards, accusing of Racism, astounded and crazy at one who will show ANY pride in himself, or his race, or his country, or his God. As the spittle flies from their mouths about he who says “Merry Christmas.” And screaming “Privileged!” At those who are not accorded privilege by the world. Screaming that “You owe! You must pay! Anything and everything, including your right to speak, and your lives, and your souls! You cannot hold your head up, or show any pride in yourself, or your country, or your God!” As The Teacher of the Year from Duncanville High School says you do not have the right to speak of the Ferguson rioters, and you would only be allowed to praise them, if you would be allowed to speak at all, and “dumb, duck-ass crackers, go kill yourselves.”
But if they are mad at the emblem, the devil is turning back flips in red rage and screaming and frothing at the mouth. Moaning in fury and flopping.
Good. Ask Eve, from the Garden of Eden, if anything bad might happen if you would do ANYTHING the devil, wants. Or what his servants want. And, also, it is written “Let those who love the Lord hate evil.” And as they are bug-eyed, and dissolve into a cacophony of squeals and titters, the witches from hell, we see that fear is the wrong emotion for them. And we see that the devil fervently wishes for you to fear him, and that there is a reason his servants are called “terrorists.” They want you to fear. They want you to worship them. Ask the Ferguson rioters about it, as the Ferguson police passively watch them burn the city, and as the rioters say it is racist for you to talk about them, and that you will only be allowed to praise them, if you would be allowed to speak at all.
The devil knows psychology, and he knows how to destroy. A people and a country. And he will continually criticize and deride, but he wants most of all that you would criticize yourself. And it is he who will finally stand before you, and proffer the rope, and the pistol, and scream that you must commit suicide, if you will listen to him.
But how long will he remain, the football coach who continually disparages his team, and yells at them to apologize for themselves? How many games will they win? And how long will a country, and a people remain who listens to such?
You can ask Obama about it, he who wishes for America to burn, and ask the ISIS/Hamas/Muslims about it. Ask the traitor, the lover of money, The Reverend of the god of Racism, Al Sharpton, as he and the Trayvon Crew, and the federal government, tie the hands of the police, and encourage the rioters, and stand with the ISIS/Hamas/Muslims, and against us, and America, and God. And pour gas on the fires, wishing to be paid, and telling you what your rights are, and what you are allowed to say, playing their Race Cards, their accusations of Racism, and saying it is racist for you to speak of the matter, and that you are not allowed to do so. No matter how many die in the Knockout Games, in America, or the Middle East.
Know that once he, and they, get you down, they will fight hard to keep you there.
And as to whether you die, the devil proffers the rope, and the pistol, and screams “What difference does it make?”
But dead men do not stand in the gap, speaking the truth of God’s word, and tearing down the strongholds of the devil. Nor do they fulfill the Great Commission.
God requires His Chosen People, the Israelis, to wish for their lives, and fight for their survival. Will he require less of us?
God Demands that we wish for our lives, and fight for our survival.
God CANNOT stand for us, if we will worship others.
God DEMANDS that we turn from these others, and worship them no more.
So that He CAN stand for us.
Jesus made us free, and God DEMANDS that we NOT owe, pay, or worship any other. We are free.
Americans? Christians? Why don’t we try being proud of ourselves for a change? And proud of our country. And proud of our God, Who is the only God. The devil, and his liberal servants will hate it. And they can go to hell. God says they can go to hell, if they will not repent. We will not go with them.
Dan Chandler How do I know that I speak truly?
John 8:31-32: “31So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, “If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine;32and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.”
pants up don’t shoot 🙂