Ferguson Protesters Learn About Second Amendment

According to media reports, the Oath Keepers were confronted by protesters asking why they were allowed to openly carry weapons. “I’m happy that we’re able to defend ourselves,” one unidentified Oath Keeper replied. “It’s been our right for a long time.”

Actually, given that self-defense is a natural right, it has always been there. And both the U.S. Constitution and the Missouri State Constitution provide protections designed to remind government functionaries of its presence. Unfortunately, St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar is apparently unfamiliar with the concept, as well as the constitutions of the United States and Missouri.”

Jay Belmar, is the Chief of Police in Ferguson.  He stated he was against the presence of the Oath Keepers in Ferguson.  Belmar, speaking to Reuters, said he  “vowed to work with prosecutors to see if the men had broken any laws.”  Apparently, Jay Belmar missed 5th grade Constitution class, and must have been absent at the Police Academy quite a few days.  He obviously wants to bow to the politically correct, as these statements and stands confirm.  This, by a law enforcement Chief, means he is a politician, not a Chief,  who is not solely concerned for his officers safety or the citizens, nor following the Constitution.

 He owes the Oath Keepers, at least a handshake and a “thank-you”– for caring enough about his officers, his citizens, and his community.

Source: Personal Liberty

Photo: The Washington Standard



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