According to feminists, President Donald Trump is the mean, racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, Islamaphobic . . . am I missing anything? Apparently all of these issues are looped under the topic of feminism these days, which raises what might be the most important question of all: What is feminism? The dictionary defines it as “the advocacy of women’s rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes.” Under these pretenses, what’s the problem? Last I checked, women have all the same opportunities men have. When’s the last time you heard of an employer refusing to hire somebody because they’re a woman? It’s almost completely unheard of these days.
Knowing this, it’s safe to say that modern “feminists” don’t really know what they’re fighting for. For example, an online company called On Mogul has decided to send President Trump a message in a format that almost seems to run contrary to feminism, and at the same time, they don’t want to hurt his feelings. Talk about a blender of liberal idealism. And the most bizarre part about it is how they’re delivering the message.
Find out how they’re planning to deliver it on the next page.
sending a v****a to someone is NOT funny especially for a president
Notice how quiet these people are since their two Muslim Brotherhood organizers have been arrested and one deported….
yeah, real freaking classy…and NO IT IS NOT FUNNY, especially for a president
Think about this you dummies!!! Would you take it seriously if men did this and packed the letters in a package that resembled a penis???
As an adult female I am totally embarrassed and disgusted with this immature, sexist and childish action. The f**e v****a takes all decent credit away from the letters inside it.
This actiin degrades ALL women’s opinions and makes women look low class and immature. How could you degrade all women with this behavior and think that we would agree with this?!?!?
I would have put the letters in a form of lips for “read my lips” to get the decent point across. A lot more classy and NOT degrading.
If I found out that my daughter or granddaughter had any part in something like this I’d come close to disowning them. This is disgusting it is not classy it is disgusting.
So stupid
feminism is cancer
And yet they, somehow, believe that muzzie women are NOT mistreated……wow, this group of pussies is deranged.
Hateful females at it again