According to feminists, President Donald Trump is the mean, racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, Islamaphobic . . . am I missing anything? Apparently all of these issues are looped under the topic of feminism these days, which raises what might be the most important question of all: What is feminism? The dictionary defines it as “the advocacy of women’s rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes.” Under these pretenses, what’s the problem? Last I checked, women have all the same opportunities men have. When’s the last time you heard of an employer refusing to hire somebody because they’re a woman? It’s almost completely unheard of these days.
Knowing this, it’s safe to say that modern “feminists” don’t really know what they’re fighting for. For example, an online company called On Mogul has decided to send President Trump a message in a format that almost seems to run contrary to feminism, and at the same time, they don’t want to hurt his feelings. Talk about a blender of liberal idealism. And the most bizarre part about it is how they’re delivering the message.
Find out how they’re planning to deliver it on the next page.
Hillary must be so proud of her idiots!!!
Grow the hell up.
These poor sick, twisted women do not speak for me. I feel pity them.
Idiots! Build a big purple$#%&!@*and take a walk around NYC or D.C. yelling “where is the$#%&!@*” “Is Bill with Hillary?” Or is he looking for the one with the biggest v****a or mouth?
They couldn’t possible know what Shara Law is all about…It does NOT respect Women, who are there to service the Men…And can be married off before they even have a Period. THEY are Children being RAPED by grown men. The Women have NO rights, and can be killed for going into the street alone. THEY must be accompanied by a Male family member. Learn the FACTS they are NOT Feminists.
Idiots get your heads out of your asses
Such a bunch of boneheads…Are they saying they are a bunch of big vaginas?
Sick nasty women do not represent me.
You so called feminist are your own punishment because you have to wake up everyday to live with yourself.
Waste of time, go home take care of your families.