Feminist have just thought of a sickening new way to help fight the patriarchy while promoting racial equality. You see white men are bad. Very bad! They colonized America, built factories, pioneered technology, advanced medicine and the sciences.
And feminist say men put women and minorities down…
But back to our story. Feminist are now advocating a very heinous practice all in the name of lifting American-Americans men up from the ghettos where white people’s feelings are forcing then to kill each other.
Feminist argue that what white men in America really can’t stomach are equality and the progressive left’s agenda. So, it’s up to women (white women that is) to help put an end to the white patriarchy dominance of women and minorities. You can learn more about this 4 point liberal feminist plan on the next page. And you’re going to want to because if feminists have their way, if any woman accidentally betrays the body positive sisterhood and gets impregnated by a white man then…
How about Dont F**k you stupid$#%&!@*asshole
But Planned Parenthood is pushing black abortion, note that many of their facilities are in black neighbors!
As long as people of every color have to wipe their butts there is absolutely no one race superior over any other.
#evil agenda
Whites are superior because they have structure.
These people done lost their damn minds
Who is white? Can’t figure that out since we are all immigrants except the Native Americans who are my ancestors.. so who is white??
Interesting. Planned Parenthood was founded by a racist woman who saw abortions as a way to reduce the BLACK population. So, what do feminists do? Show their racism, and support of a racist organization, by switching it to white women. Oh, and by the way, Democrats were the ones who longed for the genocide of the black race. Republicans were the ones who fought, and died, to give them freedom.
And question… how does white abortion solve the “white supremacy” that’s supposedly going on today? It doesn’t, you’re just coming up with an excuse to murder more babies. Sickos.